Thursday, November 28, 2019

Julius Caesar Essays (1497 words) - Julius Caesar, First Triumvirate

Julius Caesar Julius Caesar Julius Caesar was born on the thirteenth day of the month Quintilis in the year of 100 BC. His full name was Gaius Julius Caesar, the same as his father's. Gaius was his given name and Julius was his surname. He was a strong political and military leader who changed the history of the Greco-Roman world. This paper will answer the following questions: What happened during his early political career? How did he become a strong dictator of the Roman Empire? What events led up to the making of the first triumvirate? What happened during his reign as dictator of Rome? What events led up to his assassination? Julius Caesar is probably the most famous leader in history. (Grant, table of dates p.1, and foreword p.xxi) When he was young, Caesar lived through one of the worst decades in the history of Rome. The city was assaulted and captured by Roman armies twice. First, in eighty-seven BC by the leaders of the populares. (Caesar's aunt and uncle, Marius and Cinna.) Cinna was killed the year that Caesar married Cornelia. The second attack against the city happened in eighty-two BC. Marius' enemy Sulla, leader of the optimates, carried out the attack. On each occasion the massacre of political opponents was followed by the confiscation of their property. (Fowler, p.24) Caesar knew that his public speaking needed improvement, he therefore announced that he was leaving to study on the island of Rhodes. His professor was the famous Greek rhetorician, Apollonius Molon. When he was off the coast of Anatolia pirates kidnapped him. They demanded a large ransom for his return. Caesar broke free from the pirates and captured a large number of them. He then returned to Rome to engage in a normal political career. (Grant, p.9-11) In the Roman political world Pompey and Crassus challenged the dominance of the optimates. Quintus Latatius Catulus and Lucius Licinius Lucullus led the optimates. Sulla was responsible for creating their careers. Caesar married Pompeia after Cornelia's death. Then, in sixty-five BC he was appointed aedile. The aedile was in charge of the programs of the city such as games, spectacles, and shows. As aedile, Caesar gained claim to the leadership of the populares. (Grant, p.12) Before leaving Rome to govern Spain for a year, Caesar divorced his wife because of an allegation that she had been involved in the offense of Publis Clodius. Clodius was awaiting trial for breaking into Caesar's home the previous December. While on his trip to Spain, Caesar was very successful. He returned in a short time with considerable military glory and enough money to pay off all his debts. (Abbott, p.64) A short while after his trip, Caesar was elected for consul in fifty-nine BC. He joined a political alliance with Pompey and Crassus. This alliance was named the first triumvirate. Pompey possessed a great influence through his splendid abilities and military renown. Crassus was powerful through his wealth. Caesar developed a plan to reconcile them, and then of favoring himself with their united aid in accomplishing his own deeds. (Abbott, p.71) Caesar's purpose in the triumvirate was to gain a large military command. Pompey wanted a part of the eastern settlement and land allotments for his discharged troops. An agrarian bill authorizing the purchase of land for Pompey's soldiers was passed in fifty-nine BC. This law did not go over well with the senators because they were selfish with the lands they had annexed to their estates. The Senators tried to block legislation with the help of Marcus Bibulus. He postponed the voting by declaring that the heavens were unfavorable to legislation. Caesar disregarded Bibulus' behavior, and the remainder of the legislative program was carried out. (Thaddeus, p.116) Caesar had control of three provinces for five years. They were Cisalpine Gaul, Transalpine Gaul, and Illyria. Caesar became determined to conquer and rule the entirety of Gaul. After his defeat of the Belgic tribes in the north, and the submission of the maritime tribes on the Atlantic seaboard, he believed he had conquered the entire area of Gaul. Caesar then decided to make two expeditions, one across the Rhine and the second across the Straits of Dover to Britain. While in Britain, he received the submission of the supreme commander of the southeast Britons, Cassivellaunus. (Grant, p.55) In my opinion, by fifty-three BC the first triumvirate had totally broken apart. Caesar now had an extreme amount of personal power, wealth, and prestige. His relations with Pompey had ended when Caesar's daughter Julia died. (Pompey was married to Julia.) Then, Crassus left for his province of Syria with the intention of at

Monday, November 25, 2019

Marriage and Slavery

Marriage and Slavery Free Online Research Papers One mans drink is another mans poison! There are many differences between marriage and slavery, but I believe that marriage in many fashions is very comparable to slavery. Individuals that desire marriage, as opposed to having long term monogamous commitments on good faith, want to be slaves and to have a slave in return. Marriage is comparable to slavery not just because of the insane, not hope but â€Å"demand† of absolute monogamy, enforced by the legal system on penalty of losing property and being marked officially as an adulterer; but because similar to a slave, what is your property becomes their property. To a certain degree the loss of individuality amounts to very similar feelings of obligation and sacrifice that can be associated with slavery. The problem, as I see it, begins with people pervasively pursuing marriage as a goal. Despite their healthier needs and desires, this cultural virus running in the background is messing up their program. Rather than looking for a compatible partner they search for a slave, which means they will seek out someone who triggers dependency more than a respectful relationship. Unfortunately for this reason people tend to settle, which ultimately leads to unhappiness and feelings of regret. There are guys married to women who deprive them of sex and treat them like money machines. In return, those guys tend to break the scared rule of monogamy due to mixed up feelings and therefore a lack of positive communication. In retrospect, there are women who are married to guys that deprive them of simple freedoms. For example, they may not be allowed to associate with certain people of their family and friends due to feelings of insecurity. Husbands feel that the wives would be brain washed into le aving even though there were no genuine reasons to do so. My parents mainly got legally married due to the fact that they were pregnant with me, but because of this arrangement; it cost my mother a life time of friends and personal goals. I would gather that a slave also sacrifices personal goals, family, and friends. Marriage is a three-ring circus: engagement ring, wedding ring, and suffering! Love is love, and marriage is neither love nor an expression of love; it’s a legal contract. Those, for whom marriage is actually meaningful, dont require a contract of any sort to share the feelings and emotions associated with marriage. They also share core ethics and values and dont treat each other like slaves. They respect one another as individuals with choices, one choice of which is to leave. There are people that have been together for numerous years being exclusive to only each other without any contracts, ceremonies, or anything else associated with the idea of marriage. Their relationships are healthy, loving, and fulfilling. When asked why they choose to keep the relationship untitled by the name of marriage, their reply is simply â€Å"we love each other deeply and we do not need any formal arrangement to express our feelings for one another.† The question is, is it really this simple? I believe it is and don’t see the need to complicate things. Marriage serves certain purposes, mainly legal, and does provide many civil benefits to people who do so; like tax benefits, housing benefits, and sometimes military benefits. Overall, marriage does not constitute anything but a contract between two consenting people. There is a difference when it comes to slavery, as in the slave is not a consenting party. However, if you’re blinded by misleading feelings and emotions when entering a marriage there is a strong possibility that much like a slave you will inherit feelings of captivity and suffering. As the saying goes, â€Å"be careful for what you wish for.† Research Papers on Marriage and SlaveryHonest Iagos Truth through DeceptionInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesComparison: Letter from Birmingham and Crito19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyAnalysis Of A Cosmetics AdvertisementQuebec and CanadaHip-Hop is ArtCapital PunishmentThree Concepts of Psychodynamic

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Business Economics Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Business Economics - Speech or Presentation Example   In winter, it is vice versa. Product supply and demand imbalances also cause the prices of gasoline to fluctuate. This is so because at times demand rises unexpectedly or supply declines suddenly due to production problems. When supply is low, people tend to compete for the little available stock, thus increasing the prices. Such imbalances cause the common fluctuations (Stone, 2008).Since 2005, the prices of gasoline have been continually rising. At no given time have the gasoline prices of the previous year been higher than in the current year. Prior to 2004, the prices were relatively stable – around $2 a gallon. With the growing economy and population, there has been global fear that the oil deposits may soon run out. This has led to people being persuaded to use fuel saving vehicles (Verma, 2007). This, however, has not been forthcoming, because the rich still use fuel guzzlers, and governments have been forced to increase prices of gasoline so that people feel squeez ed and obligated to use fuel conservatively.The prices of gasoline rose steadily from 2005 to 2011, at one point reaching a peak of $4 a gallon in 2011. However, they gradually declined to $3 a gallon in following months. The reason that has caused the prices to rise in 2011 was the political tension in the Middle East and parts of North Africa. Situations like this cause downward shift in the supply curve. When supply decreases and demand remains constant, this leads to a higher price equilibrium.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Minitab work Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Minitab work - Assignment Example Report your conclusion clearly. In an experiment to investigate the effect of fertiliser on mean yield of an arable crop, 20 different plots were used. Fertiliser A was applied to 10 randomly plot and B was applied to the remaining plots .After a specified time, the yield (in coded units) for each plot was measured giving the following data i)Perform an F test to see whether assumption of equal variances in the two fertiliser yield group is reasonable .To three decimal places, what is the p value from this F test? is it reasonable to assume that the two fertiliser yields have equal variance ii)Assuming that the F test suggest that we can pool the variances ,perform a hypothesis test to test whether there is significant difference in fertiliser mean yields (using a two sample t test with pooled variance). What is the value of the t-statistic? What is the value of the pooled variance used in this test ?To three decimal places, what is the p value from the test? Is there evidence to reject the null hypothesis of no difference in means at 5% significance level? iii)Suppose that instead of the data arising from 20 different plots, there were in fact only 10 plots ,each of which was divided into 2 subplots. For each plot, Fertliser A was applied to randomly selected subplot and fertiliser B was applied to other subplot. Perform an appropriate hypothesis test to see whether there is evidence that the average difference between the yield from Fertiliser A and B is not zero .To three decimal places, what is the p value from the test? Is there evidence to reject the null hypothesis that the average of the differences is zero, t the 5%signifcance level? Condition ‘x’ is a medical condition from which 70% of people recover within 7 days if left untreated. The health service would like to increase this proportion by treating sufferers .An experiment was, therefore, conducted to test a new drug

Monday, November 18, 2019

The role of logic in argumention Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The role of logic in argumention - Essay Example The analysis of an argument is significant as this particular task asks one to read a brief argument, analyze the reasoning behind it, and write a critique of the argument. Analysis of an argument does not ask one to develop your own opinion like the analysis of an issue task. The analysis of an argument task involves analyzing a given opinion, including considering questionable assumptions that underline the opinion, counterexamples that may weaken the conclusion, or evidence that may support it. In analyzing an argument it is important to present a logical flow of ideas, clear control of the English language, and the use of a strong format, with an introduction and a conclusion. Due to the short time limit it is advisable to keep sentences concise and use a few well-developed examples to support one’s view. If one knows the elements needed to make argument analysis, the individual would be able to exhibit one’s ability to write analytically.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Self-Awareness in Childcare

Self-Awareness in Childcare Introduction: In this report the author discusses the importance of self-awareness, effective interpersonal skills and the rights of the child all within an ECCE setting. It also outlines how important it is to communicate effectively with children, families of the children and work colleagues. It gives examples of effective teamwork and how to maintain a quality ECCE environment that complies with the regulations and standards of à istear. The Importance of Self Awareness and Effective Interpersonal Skills in an ECCE setting: Self-Awareness is important within an ECCE setting as it allows you as a childcare practitioner to know your weaknesses, strengths, personality, beliefs, and also allows you to reflect on different situations. You will be looked up to by children from all different age groups and you need to be a good role model and have the realisation of when to change the mood or maybe even your body language to suit the current environment. Through using self-awareness techniques it allows you to look at yourself through other people’s eyes and then to maybe make changes about yourself to suit your professional role within the ECCE setting. Self-awareness is crucial as how you handle yourself when dealing with children will slightly differ to how you represent yourself when dealing with their parents or colleagues. Interpersonal Skills play a big factor within an ECCE setting as it is a key role of all childcare practitioners. To be able to communicate effectively with children, parents and colleagues makes the job in hand easier to achieve. Some valuable steps to having good interpersonal skills are: Always smile as this gives off good energy and makes people comfortable and happy to be in your company. Always try to be positive and encouraging with all people within the workplace i.e. with children and adults. Ensure to take time to listen and observe peoples behaviours or actions, this will enable you to get to know and understand people on a more personal level. Always try to inject a fun atmosphere within an ECCE setting as this gives an overall feel good factor and makes the environment a more enjoyable place. The Rights of the child in the context of an ECCE setting: The United Nations convention on the rights of the child legislation came about in recognition of the importance for children to be respected and valued. This piece of legislation helps us require a recommended standard within the ECCE setting. The following will outline some examples: To maintain children’s right to privacy and dignity always ensure when changing a child’s nappy to do so within the private nappy changing area or if a child should have a toilet accident always make sure to cover them up be as discreet as possible to avoid embarrassment and maintain the child’s dignity. This links in with the UNCRC legislation article 16 which says that children have the right to privacy. Maintaining safety within the ECCE setting is a very crucial step and is carried out in many different ways through door buzzers, CCTV systems, following the recommended child to adult ratio and Garda vetting of all staff. This links in with article 19 within the UNCRC legislation which states all children should be properly cared for. Any disabled child joining an ECCE setting should have their needs catered for and be able to participate freely and independently within the setting. E.g. if a child is in a wheel chair the childcare setting should ensure everything is easy accessible and at the child’s level so he/she can use facilities and toys at their leisure. This links in with article 23 in the UNCRC legislation. Communicating effectively with the children, family and colleagues: Most childcare practitioners realise the importance of having a good relationship with a Childs parents. Working with, involving and informing parents in the daily activities of their children helps to stabilise a good relationship and partnership between both parties. We should always ensure to make parents feel welcome through having parent days and informing them of milestones and progression with their children we can implement this through parent teacher meetings to set down a specific allocated time to discuss the child’s development. Communication with the child/children within the ECCE setting is our number one priority as the child is our main concern so looking out for their health and safety, their happiness and over all well-being is crucial. To ensure a high quality level of communication is enforced it is up to us to always listen to a child with our ears as well as our eyes, to always come down to their level when speaking to them and most important to make sure they feel comfortable and safe in your presence. Communicating with your work colleagues is a must as everyone needs to know what everyone else is doing to ensure a smooth running of the centre. It is up to each childcare practitioner to have a good understanding of the workplace rules and polices so everyone is inflicting the same polices throughout. This can be done through filling out forms accurately and always ensuring to inform your colleagues of any major incidents like if a child falls or you have administered a child with medicine. Examples of effective teamwork: Administering Medication is one example where teamwork within the ECCE setting is essential as if you do not communicate with your team members that you have administered a child with their medication the dosage and the time you administered the medication it could lead to a child being over dosed or not getting the correct amount at the correct time. Planning an outing within the ECCE setting involves a lot of teamwork and planning. Through teamwork everyone knows what is expected of them and their role throughout the outing to ensure all of the children’s safety and well-being needs are catered for. Team members will be involved in the issuing of permission slips, booking a bus, ensuring the correct child- adult ratio is enforced and maybe a bit of brainstorming on the events that will take place on the day. Putting an End of Year Concert together also involves a lot of teamwork as everyone will work together to pick out roles, costumes, music and themes for the children. There will be informing of the concert to the families of the children involved. Then there will be ensuring that the concert runs according to plan in accordance with the concert programme. The team members will be on hand to help or reassure the children throughout the performance. Child protection cases that may arise is one great advantage when it comes to teamwork. This allows you to gather information and relay it back to your team members where they in turn will give you their opinion or advice on the situation and then as a team ye will make a collective decision on what action if any is needed. Maintain a quality ECCE environment that complies with relevant regulations and standards: Here are a few examples of how to maintain a quality ECCE environment using à istear regulations and standards: By organising a simple activity by where a child uses sand to draw shapes, numbers and pictures allows the child to communicate through play and through the use of their imagination. Then to get the child thinking about what they drew get them to explain their picture while asking questions that will get them to think how their picture relates to life and how people can read and understand their picture through the use of visual senses as well as language. This links in with à istear’s communicating theme aim 3 and learning goal 3 which states â€Å"children will broaden their understanding of the world by making sense of experiences through language. Another good and interesting activity to do with children that would make them aware of nature and also of well-being would be to make bird feeders with pieces of string allowing the child the tread through pieces of food e.g. blueberries, cheerio’s, etc. and allow the child to put the feeder out for the birds to eat. This creates great interest in animals and the need to look after them an also gives them a good example of why different foods especially fruit is good. This links with à istear’s principle of learning and developing within a holistic need for children. By getting the children to participate in a family wall chart or birthday chart links in with à istear’s theme identity and belonging aim 2 which states â€Å"children will have a sense of identity, where links with their family and community are acknowledged and extended. Conclusion: In this report the author states the importance of self-awareness and effective interpersonal skills along with the rights of the child within an ECCE setting. Notes the importance of effective communication with children, families and colleagues. Gives examples of effective team work and how to maintain a quality ECCE environment that complies with relevant regulations and standards of à istear. Bibliography: Early Education and Practice Handbook. (2015). Creative Training. google. (2015, may 29). google books. Retrieved from NCCA. (2015, 06 4). NCCA. Retrieved from

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

1920-1930 Essay -- Essays Papers

1920-1930 The 1920’s are also known as the "Roaring 20’s". It was the first modern decade experienced by this country, as America flourished after WW I. The average number of hours worked per week dropped from 60 hours to 48 hours (Rayburn). For the first time, people felt that it was just as important to play as it was to work; family outings and weekend trips had become things that workers expected (Rayburn). Women became more open by appearing in public smoking and drinking. Trojan condoms first appeared and sex became an open issue for discussion. During these years, Prohibition caused the rich and the common folk to come together in the name of alcohol. The business of America had become business (Rayburn). Calvin Coolidge was president for most of the decade. He won his first election with the slogan, "Keep Cool With Coolidge" (Library of Congress). At this time, credit first appeared, and people took advantage by buying all the things they wanted like cars and radios. This mindset eventually led to the Great Stock Market crash, October 24, 1929. Women were becoming more open with their bodies and showed them with the clothes they wore. Fashion trends showed that skirts were getting shorter, but many expected them to return to the full-length style of the past after a year. Instead skirts and dresses continued to get shorter from that point. Many people also accepted the fact that women were now drinking and smoking. In the World there was an uncertain peace. World War I had just ended and some peoples had felt that peace negotiations were unfair. In 1922 Joseph Stalin was voted to be the general secretary of the Communist Party. He eventually became head of the Communist Party and issued his first five year plan in... ...s, 1931. Betts, John Rickards. America’s Sporting Heritage: 1850-1950. Reading, Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1974. Hamilton, George Heard. 19th and 20th Century Art. New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc. Lucas, John. The Radical Twenties. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press, 1997. Rayburn, Kevin. The Roaring 20’s. March 1997. "Calvin Coolidge and History in the 1920’s." The Online Library of Congress." Spielvogel, Jackson J. Western Civilization A Brief History. London: Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1999 Buildings on Campus. Dayton: 1937. Archives Collection, Albert Emanuel Hall, University of Dayton, Dayton, Ohio. Wehrle, William O. History of the University of Dayton. Dayton: 1981. Archives Collection, Albert Emanuel Hall, University of Dayton, Dayton, Ohio.

Monday, November 11, 2019

My Country †Dorothea Mackellar Analysis Essay

My Country is an iconic nationalistic poem about Australia written by Dorothea Mackellar in 1908. Dorothea Mackellar was born in Sydney in 1885. Her education was comprised of private home tutoring until she attended University of Sydney. She travelled broadly with her parents and also become fluent in Spanish, French, German and Italian. She highly educated and lived an adventurous life. Though raised in a professional urban family, Mackellar’s poetry is usually considered as typical bush poetry, inspired by her experience on her brothers’ farms near Gunnedah, North-West of New South Wales. Dorothea began writing at a young age and astonished her family when magazines paid to buy the rights to publish her prose pieces of literature. On September 1908 a poem, ‘Core of My Heart’, appeared in the London Spectator. It also reappeared several times in Australia before being renamed as ‘My Country’ in her first book, ‘The Closed Door and Other Verses’. During World War I ‘My Country’ became one of the best-known Australian poems which successfully appealed to the sense of loyalty nurtured by the war and post-war patriotism. This was all because of its frequent inclusion in anthologies. The Mackellar family owned several properties in the Gunnedah area in New South Wales, and it is this country that inspired her writing career. An Anthology is a collection of priceless pieces of literature. An anthology will include all types of literature; fiction, poetry and drama to journals, letters, essays and speeches. An anthology records the enhancement of one of the great literatures in all its energy and variety. Hence, ‘My Country’ deserves a place in such as collection because there is a strong contrast between the Australia she saw from the current one. ‘My Country’ is a rhyming poem which consists of fourteen stanzas. The descriptive language is evocative/ expressive of various Australian landscapes and will attract readers of all ages. The poem has been brought to life as a magnificently exemplified picture book. Mackellar introduces the idea of Australia’s uniqueness firstly in the first two stanzas, with a juxtaposition of Australia’s wild landscape compared to England’s local landscape. England’s scenery is described as ‘grey-blue distance, brown streams and soft, dim skies’; While Australia’s landscape is portrayed as ‘a land of sweeping plains, of ragged mountain ranges, of droughts and flooding rains’. This description of the two countries suggests that the Dorothea’s persona believes that Australia’s remoteness makes it beautiful and incomparable to England’s landscape. This informs the reader that she prefers the sunburned land of Australia with its savannahs and mountains and ever-changing weather. It is not a calm land; it is a challenging one, harsh in times of drought, unpredictable in rainy season. Flood and fire are part of the landscape and can be overwhelming. Yet for all the wildness, all its fi erceness, it can be a generous land and a magnificent one, and those who call it home have an innate connection to the land. From ‘I love a sunburnt country’, which presents the following stanzas on Australia, Mackellar begins inducing the idea of Australia not just being a dead piece of land but equivalent and featuring similar characteristics of a person. This idea is deliberated through personification by denoting to the land as she or her. For e.g. the poem reads, ‘I love her far horizons, I love her jewel-sea, and’ -‘for flood and fire and famine she pays us back threefold’. By utilising this technique, Mackellar is able to express the deepness of her relationship and passion for her land truly is. There is a steady rhythm in the poem, which exemplifies some sort of flow of life, for example, ‘floating rains’, or it’s running in your veins’, which present this method deliberately. The reader can imagine how vivid, detailed and erratic the country is due to the thorough detail that Mackellar uses to describe it. This enables the reader to identify and relate to it in some way. For example, ‘my homing thoughts will fly’, informs the reader that she is thinking of her home, and also ‘opal hearted country’. Mackellar uses simple vocabulary that everybody can understand and appreciate, but often some the verses and words have other meanings. For example, she repeatedly says; ‘core of my heart, my country’. Mackellar uses romantic words in her poem, ‘I love her jewel like sea’, and the reader can visualise the image she produces in their head. These images include, ‘a land of sweeping plains, of ragged mountain ranges’ and ‘my heart, my country’. Words like these appeal to the reader’s emotions and have a strong effect. Consequently, she also writes about negative points in life ‘when sick at heart, around us, we see the cattle die’ and especially on this continent ‘of droughts and flooding rains’. Nature disasters like ‘flood and fire’ are in contrast to ‘the hot gold hush of moon’ .The poet describes the contrast with the conflicting words ‘her beauty and her terror’. In addition, she also illustrates images through the expressive colours; Descriptions such as ‘Sapphire misted mountains’ and ‘opal hearted country’, display a special exclusivity that only her love of country reflects. She presents emotion with verses such as, ‘my country’ and ‘my Heart’, which signify her love and nationalism towards Australia. Many of the previous Australian anthologies consist of vivid, descriptive lively pieces of literature which highlight certain moments or events. ‘My Country’ has been included in many Australian anthologies which were published after the First World War. It’s important to publish this poem into this current era’s anthology as well because, it will educate future generations about Australia’s landscapes, physical aesthetics and how it was received by the people during that time. Dorothea Mackellar’s poem deserves a place in the current era’s anthology because; the verses of the poem carry deep meaning. Mackellar has also lived in the Australian country side for a while and she has included every moment of her experiences and love she had in her heart, for her country. To conclude, ‘My Country’ has been the greatest iconic, patriotic poem about Australia. Since it was written by an Australian with English ancestry, it includes a comparison of Australia and Great Britain. Her poem has won many awards and has been received well by readers across the nation. Also, it lets the reader open his/her heart and establish a strong connection with Australia. Therefore, it surely deserves a place in the upcoming anthology about Australia.

Friday, November 8, 2019

2 Most Common Luxury Hotel Grammar Errors

2 Most Common Luxury Hotel Grammar Errors In July I wrote an article about phrasal verbs in response to a card in my hotel room that referred to an option to â€Å"workout† (one word – improper) instead of â€Å"work out† (2 words – proper) in the comfort of your own room. Since then I have discovered that the Hilton Garden Inn is not the only hotel to make this error.   While considering a possible stay at the Hyatt Regency in Baltimore, I found this sentence: â€Å"For those who choose to workout in the privacy of their spacious guestroom, we offer YogaAwayTM.† The Hyatt’s advertising team made the exact same error as the Hilton’s.   Coincidence? Hotel Helter Skelter Here’s a strange thing:   Just for fun, I Googled â€Å"Hyatt workout† and discovered that the Hyatt is not consistent across its websites.   The Sarasota Hyatt Regency offers: â€Å"If you choose to work out in the privacy of your own hotel room or suite at Hyatt Regency Sarasota, we offer YogaAwayâ„ ¢.† Sarasota got it right! I wonder who is responsible for this mismatched spelling?   Why is Hyatt messaging not consistent between Baltimore and Sarasota?   I’ve always thought the draw of a hotel chain is the reassurance that you will get the same consistent service no matter where in the world you go.   The discrepancies on the Hyatt’s websites make me think perhaps their other amenities are not consistent either. More then [sic] words†¦ In the meantime, I have ventured on to yet another institution of hospitality:   a Marriott resort in Palm Desert, California.   Marriott evidently cares about energy conservation and therefore put out the following request: â€Å"In an effort to conserve water and energy, would you please consider using your towel more then once.† I don’t know about you, but my grammar checker even caught this one!   The correct statement would have been: â€Å"In an effort to conserve water and energy, would you please consider using your towel more than once.† There are some other grammatical issues with this sentence, but I’ll let them be for now.   Do you see the other issue here?   If you do, please share in the comments. I recall seeing a similar message in another hotel †¦ I’m not sure which one, but I believe the word â€Å"than† was properly used or I probably would have blogged about it. Wouldn’t it be nice if hotels could all get their grammar as straight and smooth as their bed sheets? Judging a book by its blunders? And by the way, even though this Marriott is a resort-level establishment, a level â€Å"6† which is pretty high in the Marriott pecking order, the round piece on the top of my bathroom sink drain was detached when I got to the room, and there was a stray peanut hiding under my very expensive flat screen TV.   Maybe grammar blunders really are an indication of deeper quality and performance issues? What do you think?   Have you found a hotel grammar blunder of late?   What would you suggest to these institutions that would keep them consistent and grammatically correct?   And how much do you judge a service provider based on the consistency and correctness of its message? Category:Grammar Writing TipsBy Brenda BernsteinDecember 12, 2011 5 Comments Stephanie Clark says: December 13, 2011 at 7:46 am Seems to me that this hotel is asking a question and forgot to reinforce that with the appropriate punctuation: a question mark! Your blog, Brenda, echoes my main bug-a-boo, which is that too many think they write well, and too few value good composition. Its true, too, as youve pointed out, that once weve discovered this inattention to detail and lack of sophistication in the writing, our brains begin to make leaps to other possible inconsistencies! Log in to Reply The Essay Expert says: December 15, 2011 at 1:33 am Thanks Stephanie. What boggles my mind is how there can be such inconsistencies between institutions that are theoretically branding themselves as the same chain. How does this happen? Log in to Reply Betsy Neidel says: December 13, 2011 at 7:57 am Spelling errors drive me crazy and give me the feeling that quality is substandard, but I am also realizing that formal grammar and spelling seem to be less important THAN they were when I went through school. Log in to Reply Penelope J. says: December 13, 2011 at 4:16 pm Excellent catches, but sadly, examples such as these seem to have become more the norm than the exception. The current tidal wave of grammar and spelling errors in websites, blogs, articles, books, newscasts, advertisements, and public messages is an unfortunate indication of the deteriorating standards of literacy and education in this country. Log in to Reply The Essay Expert says: December 15, 2011 at 1:31 am Thanks for your catch Larry. Note however that I pointed out there were additional issues with the sentence. The punctuation is only one of them, and in actuality the question period at the end of the sentence is not incorrect. Heres the guideline from Using question marks for indicating requests 1. Use a question mark with a mild command or polite request instead of a period that would make the request more demanding. Would you take these reports down to accounting? [Polite request – It would be nice if you do.] Would you take these reports down to accounting. [Directive order – Take these reports]] I believe it could be argued that the statement at hand is more directive than questioning. The opposite could of course also be argued. Do you see the other problem with the sentence? Log in to Reply

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on Frederick Douglass

Frederick Douglass In the early 1840’s, Frederick Douglass wrote an autobiography of his life as a slave. His abhorrence of slavery stemmed from two fronts. The first was the reprehensible treatment and dehumanization of the African-American slave. The second was the corrupting influence the power of slavery had upon the slaveholder. â€Å"But, alas! this kind heart [of his mistress] had but a short time to remain such. The fatal poison of irresponsible power was already in her hands, and soon commenced it’s infernal work† (2). In chapters 6-8, Douglass makes one particular point, among many, quite clear: unjust laws corrupt honorable souls and make criminals of law-abiding people. Douglass relates his experience of learning the alphabet from his mistress and the subsequent cessation of this study by his master. Due to his master’s explanation of why his mistress shouldn’t teach him, a slave, to read, Douglass realizes exactly where white society gets its power to enslave black society. That is â€Å"†¦education and slavery were incompatible†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (3 & 6). Upon the heels of this revelation is a second: the pathway from slavery to freedom lies in learning to read (3). The basic injustice of keeping an entire race in mental ignorance for the soul purpose of exploiting them as a work force is one of Douglass’ main criticisms. Douglass conveys to his readers the drastic change that took place in his mistress due to the heady power of having absolute control over another person’s life. She changed from a kind, warm, hard-working soul to a tyrant under slavery’s tutelage (5). Douglass shows his readers just how she went from having â€Å"heavenly qualities† (6) to having the disposition of a tyrant by relating several years of his experiences. His mistress went from teaching him letters to furiously snatching a newspaper out of Douglass’ hand (6), from heavenly smiles to demonic fury (1 & 6), and from t... Free Essays on Frederick Douglass Free Essays on Frederick Douglass Frederick Douglass Born 1818 (?) in Tuckahoe, Maryland Died 1895 in Washington D.C. Frederick Douglass was the leading spokesman of African Americans in the 1800’s. Never knowing his mother or even the identity of his father, he was born a slave and escaped to the north when he was twenty years old. He learned how to read and write in secret, and it became his passion. The abolition of slavery and the fight for equal rights was the subject of all of his speeches, debates and interviews. He founded an antislavery newspaper, wrote several autobiographical books, and helped recruit African Americans for the Union army during the Civil War. His final home was a station along the underground railroad system. Frederick Douglass is one of the most important people in American History. The exact birth-date of Frederick Douglass is unknown, even to him. â€Å"Slaves know as little of their ages as horses know of theirs, and it is the wish of most masters within my knowledge to keep their slaves thus ignorant. I do not remember to have ever met a slave who could tell his birthday† (Douglass 13). Keeping knowledge from their slaves was the masters’ key to dominance. Evidence of a restless spirit within a slave was deemed improper and impertinent, and treated with a trip to the whipping-post. Never the less, Douglass’ careful ear heard his master say, sometime during 1835, that he was about seventeen years old. Sometime during 1818, Harriet Bailey gave birth to Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey in Tuckahoe, Maryland, near Easton. She was the daughter of Isaac and Betsy Bailey, both colored, and quite dark. Frederick’s father, however, was white. Color was the only fact he knew about his father. Whispered opinions claimed that his master was his father, but the truth (or lack thereof) of these rumors was never known. â€Å"†¦true or false, it is of but little consequence to my purpose whilst the fact remains, in all i... Free Essays on Frederick Douglass Frederick Douglass In the early 1840’s, Frederick Douglass wrote an autobiography of his life as a slave. His abhorrence of slavery stemmed from two fronts. The first was the reprehensible treatment and dehumanization of the African-American slave. The second was the corrupting influence the power of slavery had upon the slaveholder. â€Å"But, alas! this kind heart [of his mistress] had but a short time to remain such. The fatal poison of irresponsible power was already in her hands, and soon commenced it’s infernal work† (2). In chapters 6-8, Douglass makes one particular point, among many, quite clear: unjust laws corrupt honorable souls and make criminals of law-abiding people. Douglass relates his experience of learning the alphabet from his mistress and the subsequent cessation of this study by his master. Due to his master’s explanation of why his mistress shouldn’t teach him, a slave, to read, Douglass realizes exactly where white society gets its power to enslave black society. That is â€Å"†¦education and slavery were incompatible†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (3 & 6). Upon the heels of this revelation is a second: the pathway from slavery to freedom lies in learning to read (3). The basic injustice of keeping an entire race in mental ignorance for the soul purpose of exploiting them as a work force is one of Douglass’ main criticisms. Douglass conveys to his readers the drastic change that took place in his mistress due to the heady power of having absolute control over another person’s life. She changed from a kind, warm, hard-working soul to a tyrant under slavery’s tutelage (5). Douglass shows his readers just how she went from having â€Å"heavenly qualities† (6) to having the disposition of a tyrant by relating several years of his experiences. His mistress went from teaching him letters to furiously snatching a newspaper out of Douglass’ hand (6), from heavenly smiles to demonic fury (1 & 6), and from t... Free Essays on Frederick Douglass Re-Creating One’s Self Frederick Douglass has been an immense role model to all types of people who want to make their lives better. In his biography, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, he describes his life as a slave, and how he got out of it by â€Å"re-making† himself. Douglass educates himself and re-creates who he is throughout his life; so much so that in the end when he gives his speeches, people cannot believe he was ever a slave. This idea that we can â€Å"re-create† ourselves no matter where we have come from is one that started with Douglass, but is relevant to all humankind. In his opening lines, Douglass addresses how the institution of slavery narrows slaves' opportunities for self-knowledge. Slave owners withhold information about slaves' birth dates in order to keep them from developing a unique sense of self. They do not want their slaves to differentiate themselves from their land or farm animals, as Douglass implies when he says that most slaves know how old they are no more than horses do. Likewise, their masters do not acknowledge family ties among slaves. Family relationships would allow slaves to develop a unique sense of self and would encourage alliances among slaves, a serious threat to the slave owner's hold on power. It was illegal to educate slaves. The enforced institution of illiteracy did the double service of robbing the victim of his voice and of his access to alternative ideas regarding his condition. The slave owner did not want his slaves to know that many Americans saw their bondage as a moral outrage. Nor did he want his slaves to provide first-hand evidence against his prettified picture of slavery, which would give the abolitionists more rhetorical ammunition against him. He wanted to be the center and origin of the "truth" about slavery, both for slaves and for non-slave-owning whites. Despite this unfortunate truth of the times, Douglass found ways to augment his education. So... Free Essays on Frederick Douglass Frederick Douglass was born in Talbot County, Maryland. He does not know the year, as most slaves were not allowed to know their ages. He remembers being unhappy and confused that white children knew their ages, but he was not allowed even to ask his own. He estimates that he was born in or around 1818. â€Å"Frederick Douglass’s mother was Harriet Bailey, the daughter of Isaac and Betsey Bailey. He was separated from his mother immediately after birth, which was a common practice among slave owners.† ( He assumed that this custom was intended to break the natural bond of affection between mother and child. He also recalled that he only saw his mother on the rare occasions when she could walk twelve miles after dark to lie next to him at night. Harriet died when Frederick was about seven years old. He was told about it afterward and was hardly affected by the news. Bibliography Term Papers, Essays, Book Reports DataBase Câ€Å"Frederick Douglass knew only that his father was a white man, though many people said that his master was his father.† (Frederick Douglass: An American Slave) He explained that slaveholders often impregnated their female slaves. In that era, a law insured that mixed?race children became slaves like their mothers. Slaveholders actually profited from this practice of rape, as it increased the number of slaves they owned. Frederick explained that such mixed?race slaves have a worse lot than other slaves, as the slaveholder’s wife, insulted by their existence, insured that they either suffered constantly or were sold off. He considered that the existence of such a large population of mixed-race slaves contradicted arguments that justified American slavery through the supposed inferiority of the African race. Frederick Douglass’s first master was Captain Anthony. The Captain’s overseer, Mr. Plummer, was a drunk and a cruel man who carrie...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Different Challenges to Different Organization Research Paper

Different Challenges to Different Organization - Research Paper Example The Credit crunch means the economic return of the overall company curtails due to the number of factors. This could be because of the recession where the overall business activity slows down. This result in low purchasing power of the consumer and those companies which specialize in luxurious items faces major hit back. This results in low demand, low sales, and low profit and overall low earnings by the companies. Due to global warming, many changes have been occurring slowly and gradually which affects adversely the company's position and stability. For those companies which are involved and specialized in tourism-based services especially on beach locations greatly affected by such crucial natural situations. Climate Change means the rapid increase in the temperature of the world which leads to other climatical factors. These factors are an increase in intense cyclones, air temperatures, and a rise in water level in the sea. These are the challenges faced by tourism countries. Any company no matter what kind of business it deals with, are equally liable for some social responsibilities. It means that the company should meet some corporate regulations, international norms, and ethical standards. Business should promote the best interest of the public and should be for the growth of the community. It should be responsible for all those activities which have impacts on the environment, communities, employees, and consumers. The company should not be deliberately involved in illegal or harmful practices. BUSINESS ETHICS CHALLENGE: Business ethics means that the company follows ethical principles while engaged in business activities. It applies to the conduct of business as a whole and as an individual. It applies in all fields such as medical, technical, legal and others. In this 21 century, the demand for business ethics in process and actions is increasing. The new public initiatives and laws are introduced to bring improved business ethics followed by the business and avoid short term gains by acting in unethical ways. Â  

Friday, November 1, 2019

Rousseanu Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Rousseanu - Essay Example The essence of discussing conjugal society is to distinguish it with that of political society. Locke sturdily distinguishes the two for the woman and man have the same power in their marriage, and neither one surrenders their natural freedom. Procreation as well leads to the persistence of the human race, so the obligation of parents is not just to produce children, but also to bring them up them. A woman may happen to be pregnant again even when she is bringing up her older kids, calling for the father’s constant presence, as well as the provision. God wanted the human marriage to last longer than that of other animals since through it they would be capable of making their lives better. Rousseau claims that Locke’s assertions are wrong since the innovation of conjugal society is the cause of women’s regular pregnancies and not an effect. (Rousseau et al. 217). Before the invention of conjugal society, women could take care of their kids without assistance from their husbands and the husbands lacked any proclivity to help them. When women and men start living together, more children are bored by women thus men develop a desire to assist in raising the kids up. In the family, as per Rousseau, it is the duty of a husband to provide since the women are always preoccupied with bringing up the kids. This is contrary to Locke’s claim that both parents should mutually provide the needs of the family. Contrary to Locke’s point of view, a man is usually detached from a woman after conception since he has already fulfilled his desires, and he does not care about his actions’ consequences. (Rousseau et al. 88). Rousseau’s perspective on the nature of the relationship amid women and men is based on the idea that men are stronger and thus more independent. They depend on women just because they have a desire for them. By contrast, women both desire and need men. As much as women are meant to submit to their husbands